# M: Menu Entry # L: Label text # T: Tool tips # E: Error $M001=&Open $M002=&Exit $M003=&Help $M004=&License $M005=&Changelog $M006=&About Highlight... $M007=&File $M008=&Language $M009=&Tips $L001=Choose files $L004=Output format $L005=Include style in output $L006=Attach anchors to lines $L011=File to include in $L009=Referenced style file: $L010=Colour theme: $L013=Include line numbers $L014=Omit header and footer $L008=Generate index file $L015=Convert files $L018=Choose files $L022=Choose file $L002=Output directory $L007=Reformat $L025=Error $L026=Please restart Highlight... $L027=Wrap long lines $L028=Wrap simple $L029=Escape quotes $L030=Tab width: $L031=Fill with zeroes $L032=Write to source directories $L033=Remove selection $L034=Error summary $L035=style $L036=Encoding: $L019=Info $L023=Done: %d fíles in %ld ms. $L003=Clear file list $L016= $L020=Please choose a valid output directory. $L021=Please choose a style output file. $E000=Only C, C++, C# and Java files may be reformatted. $E001=Error executing Notepad.exe $E002=Language definition %s.lang not found! $E003=Could not read: $E004=Could not write: $E005=Could not read themes. Check installation. $E006=Error writing preferences file! $E007=Could not create index file. $E008=Could not read file extensions. Check installation. $E009=Could not read indentation schemes. Check installation. $E010=Could not reformat: $T001=Add source files you want to convert. Drag and drop also possible. $T002=Choose an output directory. $T003=Choose style input file to include in the final style definition. $T004=Clear input file list. $T005=Name of the style output file. $T006=Path of the style input file. $T007=Path of the output directory. $T008=Include formatting information in output files. $T009=Omit header and footer of the output files. $T010=Attach line numbers. $T011=Attach HTML anchors to the line numbers. $T012=Reformat and indent C, C++, C# and Java source code. $T013=Choose one of the output formats. $T014=Start the conversion of your input files. $T015=Generate index file with hyperlinks to output files $T016=Choose a formatting and indentation style. $T017=Choose a colour theme you like. $T018=Wrap lines longer than 80 (75 if line numbers turned on) characters. Note: Long single line comments and directives will cause faulty highlighting. $T019=Wrap lines, but do not indent statements and function parameters. $T020=Escape quotes with \dq. Useful when using the German package in LaTeX. $T021=Replace tabs by chosen number of spaces (do not replace if value equals zero). $T022=Fill leading space of line numbers with zeroes. $T023=Save output in the directories of the input files. $T024=Remove selected entries from input file list. $T025=Use an output encoding, which matches the input file encoding. $L024=Ready. $L017=Processing files....